
The perfect choice for your next project


GlueCodes Studio has been created to help front-end developers deliver reactive web apps sooner. It's a complete solution consisting of setup-free online IDE and it's built around a meta-framework which lets you use classic HTML, CSS and JavaScript to achieve a maintainable reactivity. It exports a well structured code that is powered by JSX and super-fast SolidJS. It covers: templating, app state management, scoped styling, easy to install Widgets and loads of automation. While coding, you’ll get notified about actions to take so much of the boilerplate can be generated for you without even leaving the HTML editor. You can access GlueCodes Studio in a web browser yet your code is 100% stored on your local drive to be easily integrated into your current dev process.

Web apps created within the studio are fast, inexpensive to host and easy to scale. To help you find the best solutions, we've been developing features that will help you bring business value sooner.


Bespoke development is very time consuming and often leads to using tools that sacrifice the speed of the end product and scalability. It's also often impossible to deliver custom web apps by freelancers to their customers since the time needed to develop them would be too long which affects the price.

We believe a great dev experience has a huge impact on your web products. Hence, we've combined the tools you may already know like: JSX, SolidJS, CSS Modules, Webpack or Docker to give you a dev environment where you can focus on a single task at time. GlueCodes Studio doesn’t require any initial environment setup and helps throughout the whole process of developing the web app by automating most of the repeatable tasks (such as creating file structure, necessary glue code and much more). It supports you with ready to go Widgets, pre-made templates, CSS styles and much more.

The above goals led us to take the "convention over configuration" approach which you'll be seeing a lot while developing your own apps.

Why GlueCodes Studio?

By using the GlueCodes Studio you can develop web apps even 3 times faster in comparison to a bespoke approach. At the same time, it delivers design freedom and quality that is unachievable for low-code solutions.